Friday, June 25, 2010

A Library Added as well as Shelves

While the weather was absolutely atrocious, reconstruction began at my house. As my uncle works in construction, my mother hired him to make five shelves, four for downstairs, and one shelve for the dishes:

The Library

Yes, those are steins....

Before, this area had two separate shelves and crates inbetween.

Odd Photos I Could Not Resist!

Just Cooling Off....

This type of mannequin has dials where you would take measurements for making a dress. Currently it has my sizes, but we had to put a bra on top, and a roll of towels on the bottom to create my size. Now, how did it get to my house you may wonder?
Well, when I found out I would be attending a certain somebody's graduation party, I inquired about having my mother make me a dress (I cannot sew - and have no desire to learn). My grandmother was trying to give the mannequin away, but my mother and I avoided her until my cousin took it away.
Then it ended up in my aunt's shed. Who called my mother when she found out we were making a dress (and now a dirndl for work). Then my mother sent me to get the Dial-Your-Twin.
And now it is once again back at my house.

Karma, I may add, always comes back around.

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you! Somewhere, my dad was told that if you BBQ a chicken with an open can of beer, it would be delicious. How could I resist taking a picture of this! It is definitely not something you see every day!

The Garden: June 25, 2010

My, oh my, I have not posted in quite a while! And, as usual, I do have several reasons as to why I have not posted. I could say the weather was absolutely crappy, getting use to my job took a while longer, I suddenly have to clean more often at my cabins, two of my friends graduated college (AMAZING JOB CHANDRA AND MELISSA!) and the World Cup (Go USA! that's the first time I'm actually excited for USA) started June 11th and I have watched every game that has been played. However, without going into too much detail, I will make the conclusion of I have just been lazy.

Here are some of the recent garden pictures I took this morning:

As you can see, the garden has finally started growing! Most of these plants were transplanted two weeks ago, and once the sun came out, they just sprouted up!

View from the field: I got most of the garden in the photo, with the exception of the other raspberry bushes to the left.

The first cherries on this tree! We planted them last year and were surprised that fruit was actually growing.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Random Photos

Just a random photo that did not really fit will with The Garden: June 1, 2010 blog!

Which picture do you like better? The natural color or the sepia?

The Garden: June 1, 2010

All right. I do have an explanation as to why I have not been posting. I finally got a job!
So, I have been busy just figuring out the workings of a new job and have not had the energy for any posting. Also, the weather has been absolutely horrible these past few weeks, nothing could be done in the garden. Instead of posting pictures of sad, ugly, and wilting plants, I held off.

Fortunately, the garden was finally planted yesterday, when the weather held out for the first time in two weeks. So far, all the plants seem to be doing better in the ground. Hopefully it will not freeze anymore (it is June...but I would
hold my breath with this weather!).

Here are some of the pictures of the garden:

Picture of most of the garden! The six rows that have nothing planted contain seeds for corn-bean-squash (i.e. yellow and winter squash and zucchini). Those pine trees in the garden were only suppose to stay there for a year or so. It has been about six years. Looks like we have next years Christmas trees!

Picture of the peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe and irises. The posts in the back of the picture hold raspberry bushes and thornless black berries:

The first strawberry of the year has arrived!
Can you find it?