After the death of her sister, Eva Ward returns to her childhood home, an enormous cliff facing cottage in England named Trelowarth. There to scatter her sister's ashes, Eva soon finds herself being transported back on time to 1715 and into the lives of the Butler brothers.
I have always loved stories where the character(s) travel back through time and must learn to assimilate to the time. I must confess it did take me a while to get into the book and once it caught, I did not want to stop reading it.
However, that being said, I felt this book lacked full explanations of details within the plot. Jumps through the plot line, with significant purpose to the plot yet little explanation haunted this book. I would have like more explanation on details even if it would have made the book longer.
Even without a lot of explanation I did enjoy the book. It was quick, easy, and enjoyable for what the topic was. If I rated it I would give it 3.5 out of 5.