Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Beginnings of a Story

On the 7th of June, 2010, I was at work, bored as usual, and began to plot a story. It had no structure, and really no where to go. Normally, that is how a story ends for me: I grow bored with the idea and get rid of it. I began an outline and then wrote a couple of paragraphs for a story about settlers and treasure. And, as predicted, after that day I thought nothing of it.

Then, on July 16th, while at home, I came up with an idea for that little story plot I had began in June. Using the names from a show I had been watching (i.e. Supernatural), I started writing again. But instead of becoming bored, page after page began emerging. At work, when it was not busy, I took out my little journal and began writing. Between the 16th and the 26th, I wrote an entire story plot. For once, I was actually excited to write.

I must add that the last time I became this interested in writing I wrote a 30 page story which will never come into the light again. The plot of that particular story was from various movies that I had used; all in all, it was crap because I wanted it to be. A high school teacher refused to let me do a project alone so in response, I wrote an incredibly long and horrible story.

So, when I found myself with an entire outline that was not too bad, I was curious. This story is the first one I have ever written in present time; no going back to the past or to a distant land. It was also the first time I had written a full story in the 3rd person. Also, it was more of an adventure and treasure story. I was excited for the challenge.

Two years later, after 3 drafts written, I have finally decided to put it up for friends to read.

This is a warning!
Do not read this story as if it were a masterpiece of literature. Because it certainly is not! Enjoy the experience of a treasure hunt that has mystery and mayhem.

Thank you Jennifer, for your ideas and the corrections! I could not have finished this without your help!

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