Friday, April 23, 2010

The Garden: April 23, 2010

After an interesting week of ups and downs, here is what the garden looks like as of right now. Last night I had contemplated in writing a very bitchy-feminist rant about a certain company and yell at MLS referees, but I stopped after about a paragraph.
Why, you may ask?
Yesterday, before everything shockingly bad happened I watched an interview with a 101 year old woman. She is completely healthy, says to do everything (even drinking) within moderation and, most importantly, to let things go.

So this is me letting things go!

Here are the pictures! I can not wait to see what the garden looks like when everything goes into the ground!

This is what the garden looks like outside right now. We have six long rows for the corn-bean-squash combination. My mother decided to do a bit of geometry and placed four triangles around a circle for the egg plants and potatoes.

All laid out in the sunlight, hopefully the freeze is over and we can start putting these plants in the ground!


  1. Love it! You're going to have such a beautiful garden :) Maybe someday I'll be motivated to have such an awesome garden of my own.

    I totally thought about ranting about the game last night as well. I ranted to Erin tho online last night haha

  2. I freaking love this post. A certain unmentionable company : ) and yes i heard that game was quite... a story. love the pic's kim!
