Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Garden: May 13, 2010

Only one more day until the water is turned on outside! Everyone in Plain has been waiting for this day since March, when most people begin to plan their summer gardens. Hopefully, the morning freezes are over and then we can transplant the garden outside.

Over here, the water comes from the Chiwawa River. From the river, the water runs through a series of pipes and goes across Wenatchee River over the old bridge in Plain. From there it is divided into two. One section goes through the old logging ditch on my grandparents side of The Road. The other section goes into pipes underground that are on my families side of The Road.

Here are some photos of the plants outside on the deck:


  1. I oddly adore these pictures. I think it's the color and saturation... of course that could totally be my laptop too. Good luck with the garden! we have planted the pots but not the veggies HAHA and by veggies i mean the zucchini and those peas i randomly got!

  2. I agree, everything I've come to check up on your blog since you've posted them, I am always drawn to how bright and sunny the pictures are. Especially how green :) Love it!
